Butterworth optimizier app
IIR filter optimization tool.
- One can generate the signal with a LF drift about zero, problem here is how to get rid of sucha a drift
- It is also possible to read the signal from the file, nut just to simulate it
- Then butterworth filter can be designed,process goes like this
- After creating the filter one can see how butterworth parametars shape frequency and phase response
- For signal created, or read from some file ... one can caluclate PSD and spectrogram or precdures as liste
- Both signals, filtered and original one can be compared
- Purpose: integration procedure introduces LF drift which HPF should remove
Neverthless, lowest frequencies are most important content of a signal, hence HPF must not damp it beyond the cutoff.
Those damping could bias the whole results, hence optimization has to be done
- A procedure of signal integration like m/s²-> 1/[s]-> m/s-> 1/[s]-> always carries the LF drift
- To briefly introduce the problem, here is how the signal usually looks after integration coming from [m/s]->[m]e-6
- So the question is: how to supress the drift and not to touch the signal optimizing filter order and cutoff frequency
- I have chosen butterworth IIR filter type, here as HP-IIR ( high pass infinite impulse response)
- Now example of results obtained are plotted here
- Obivously, if filter is not of HQ and optimized, whole x- axis can be suppresed, hence if x axis downscaled
whol results can take different range
- So in order to see how the filter is going to affect the signal, this app has been created